V037: Gershwin Home Movies

Non-commercial, silent, VHS (NTSC) color, 2:25.

Time Description
0:00 Kolisch Quartet and their wives on the tennis court in Los Angeles
0:12 Doris Vidor with Rudi Kolisch
0:18 George Gershwin with Kolisch
0:35 Gershwin with his mother, Rose
0:44 Gershwin and dog
0:55 Arnold and Gertrud Schönberg with Kolisch
1:15 blank tape
1:20 Reverse angle of Kolisch Quartet and wives on tennis court
1:44 Gershwin and Kolisch
1:50 Arnold and Gertrud Schönberg, Kolisch
2:10     Arnold Schönberg
2:23 Schönberg and Kolisch
2:25 End